
Showing posts from December, 2018

Mission Pad Girls

As we Indians are on this fast pace of progression, to move on from being a developing to a developed nation and with the women being more educated as an integral part of workforce. But then till date most of the educated women actually feel too shy or embarrassed to talk about their periods and related health issues confidently and openly. Infact most of the women prefer to hide this one of most important truth about themselves and not reveal or discuss some most crucial concerns related to their health and hygiene associated with irregular and erratic periods, with most of the men, inclusive of male doctor and that too almost throughout their life. Yes for how long will our girls and women in India will shy off from talking about their periods and that too with most of the educated boys and men and then keep suffering from various health problems and above that keep bearing the embarrassment of all the various stereotypes and the humiliation of being bullied by fellow boys...

Mass kanjake Program

                          The main theme of this whole event was to avoid young girls from refraining from school and not being regular in their studies due to shortage of basic school supplies, which could be felt and so intensely reflected in the fulfilling smiles of the girls, who received donations as books, colors, school bags and uniforms .                           Manjula Sularia, Director Prasanchetas Foundation welcomed and expressed her heartfelt  gratitude, to each of the donor, volunteer and supporter who came up wholeheartedly to support this bigger cause of enabling our girls to be regular at school and not left out from their basic right to education, just due to deficiency of basic school supplies.                            Manjula, also updated al...