Working in the direction of one of the Prime Objective of "Prasanchetas Foundation" to Promote Child Health Safety and Development, a special workshop on Awareness against Child Abuse for the Adolescent Students of classes 6th and 7th,  facilitated as separate sessions for  boys and  girls of  GMSSS in Khuda Ali Sher.

Present times of Vulnerability and Insecurity demands, the utmost need to "SHATTER THE SILENCE TO PROMOTE CHILDREN SAFETY". To address this crucial issue most sensitively a very thoughtful and stimulating workshop was facilitated by Ms. Manjula and Ms. Pooja from Prasanchetas Foundation, to primarily promote Prevention, Intervention and Remedial Measure, against Child Abuse.

During the session, with the help of some special audio visual aids along with practical demonstrations where in a doll was used as a prop, maximum sensitivity was instilled to help these innocent minds and tender hearts become more:

1. Aware and vigilant about various types of Child Sexual Abuse and the different ways of how children are exploited, along with the ill effects of such abuse on a child's mind and personal development.

2. Students were made to differentiate between the good touch and bad touch, so as to avoid or prevent any sort of exploitation or abuse.

3. They were also explained about their secret body  parts, which are just not to shared with anybody, i.e. neither anyone should be allowed to touch these body parts, nor they should touch anybody else's.

4. Students were asked to be more cautious and alert even when accompanied along with their close relatives or friends.

5.  They were encouraged to be more alert, confident and expressive to report against Child Abuse and speak about the problem with their parents, teachers or friends.

6. Students were made to shout out "NO" and "HELP"  and remember to " YELL & TELL" when themselves in problem, or find anyone else in problem.

The workshop was concluded with this promise from the students to be responsible for their own safety and security and not to permit or allow anybody to do anything wrong or damaging with them and their body. Most importantly students were made to realize that they should not be guilty of any of the elder abusing them, but rather doing the wrong by keeping quiet and not reporting it immediately.


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